by GeoffA | categories WinLens3D WinLens3DBasic PreDesigner Qioptiq Gaussian Beam | all news items
As always, Qioptiq Photonics will be attending the Optatec show in May 2012.
We will be giving away Free CD’s with the latest versions of PreDesigner & WinLens3D Basic, and lots of other good stuff. So do drop by and have a chat!
in WinLens3D v1.2.3 [and the free version WinLens3DBasic] we have added furhter gaussian beam features.
We have also made a significant improvement in that they can now model diffractive elements [linear gratings and 2 point HOE’s]
PreDesigner 1.26.1 has further gaussian beam enhancements - rectangular beams [from laser diodes] can now be modelled - results for both sections being shown simultaneosly in the table and plot. You may also model the use of crossed cylinders to circularise such a beam.
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