by GeoffA | categories Website news | all news items

What is the purpose of this particular website - why would you wish to visit it more than once?

Well, in short, we want to help users of the LINOS Photonics lens design programs - primarily by hosting a series of video clips [screen casts] relating to PreDesigner, WinLens3D, MachVis etc.

The short clips have several different functions. Each one may:

  • Provide an overview of each program
  • Explain new a feature, e.g. using tilts & decenters
  • Explain an existing feature which may be overlooked
  • Show new & potential users how to get started
  • Point out features of especial interest to lecturers & students of optical design

Each clip can be commented on and rated.  This will be useful for us - letting us know what is useful to you and what is not.  Feel free to make suggestions for new clips.

The website will keep you informed of the latest updates to the programs - these are available at

Finally the website also offers other resources for lens designers and optical engineers:

  • Book reviews with comments/ratings
  • Downloadable articles
  • Reminders of seminars, exhibitions relating to WinLens, MachVis etc


next.. Laser World of Photonics 2009: launch of WinLens3D

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