by GeoffA | categories MachVis | all news items

If you are going to the 2010 Machine Vision exhibition, then drop by the Qioptiq stand [Hall 4 Booth D79] and collect a USB stick with the very latest version of MachVis.

MachVis is our free lens calculator designed specifically for machine vision projects.  It will present you with the appropriate Qioptiq lenses and adaptors needed to solve your case.

Thomas Schäffler and his colleagues from the Qioptiq Machine Vision Group will be present demonstrating MachVis and their world class Rodagons, MeVis-C and inspec.x lenses, including the very latest offerings.  They are available to discuss how your machine vision tasks can be solved - come and speak to the experts!

prev Refreshed manuals .. next.. Gaussian Beams and the Laser Show

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