by GeoffA | categories MachVis | all news items

The latest version, MachVis 3.5, is undergoing its final trials with LINOS Photonics staff and key distributors.  It will be demonstrated at Vision 2009, Stuttgart and made available for free download at the normal webpage.

First launched in early 2008, MachVis has proved very popular with machine vision engineers for its ease of use, graphical displays, and excellent selection of lenses and the required accessories.

There are some very nice new features, of which the most interesting are xxxxxxxxxx… and yyyyyyyyy….

sorry - can’t tell you yet grin

But one thing we can say, the calculations are 10-20x faster than v3.0!  So for situations involving assessing many lens/extension tube combinations [typically when the solution involves the lens being in a retro orientation] - the waiting time is now negligible.

[NB - for those wondering what MachVis does… MachVis is a simple free lens calculator designed to help those in the machine vision community.  Given a few simple inputs, MachVis will suggest LINOS machine vision lenses that meet the system requirements.  At the same time for each lens, MachVis will specify the related hardware - focusers, extension tubes, adaptors etc, detailing the mechanical order of the components and showing the space envelope of the system]

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