by GeoffA | categories MachVis | all news items
The Machine Vision lens calculator, MachVis v3.0. has finished its final testing by LINOS staff & key distributors and has been released for general use in mid August 2009.
First of all, you can download MachVis 3.0, free of charge, from the normal location on the LINOS website:
First launched in early 2008, MachVis has proved very popular with machine vision engineers for its:
- ease of use
- informative displays [text and graphics]
- good selection of appropriate lens[s]
- complete definition of appropriate accessories
Since then we have steadily improved MachVis, correcting bugs and adding new features.
In MachVis 3.0 most of the work has been ‘underground’, converting the code to This lays the ground for some nice developments in the future, but has the pleasant side effect of freshening up the interface in subtle ways. For existing users MachVis 3.0 does also have some nice new additions, and a couple of corrections, which make the download worthwhile:
- remembers last ten projects for quick recall
- new datasheet [pdf] preview in the lenses form
- new overview form and data sheets [pdf] for LINOS mechanical accessories
- new option to select a camera from user supplied camera list[s] as an alternative to selecting sensor size, camera mount & cbd
- new field for designer name
- file extension .spec is now associated to MachVis on installation
- corrected data for inspec.x L 4/60 and 4/100
- changed order numbers for Rodagon 28 and Apo-Rodagon D 120
Dont forget that you can run old and new versions in parallel - simply install to a new directory.
prev Possibly the best lens calculator… .. next.. On bugs