by GeoffA | categories WinLens3D WinLens3DBasic PreDesigner Tolerancer Glass Manager Qioptiq LINOS Photonics | all news items

This entry is to give you an overview of a general update to all programs in the WinLens suite, WinLens3DBasic and PreDesigner. These updates willl be available from 6th Sept 2010. 

1) Our software has been rebranded from LINOS Photonics to Qioptiq.  As mentioned elsewhere LINOS Photonics has been part of the Qioptiq group since 2007.  This year [2010] sees the big switch over.

2) Manuals have been refreshed and revised.  In particular, there are manuals for Glass Manager and for Material Editor - in the past, users had to rely on the help files alone for those programs.  The manuals are automatically installed with the full install, and are also included in the update files for existing users.

3) Latest glass data from Schott, Ohara, Hoya, GDGM [Chengdu] & Sumita.

4) Significant enhancement to Glass Manager [described in this clip].  All tables and graphs that show data for a single glass can now be cloned [made copies of] and locked to a specific material.

  This means that it is now much easier to directly compare data on several glasses at once - the number of copies is only really limited by the amount of screen space that you have available!

5) Nice extras in WinLens3D, WinLens3D and Glass Manager.  In particular, the Glass Manager FindGlass dialog has been transformed - from a simple search for a specific glass name - to a powerful glass hunter:

  • list of most recent glasses - simply click to select one
  • OR up to three search conditions - name, make, index, v-value etc
  • type ahead list for search conditions - again click to select
  • various search conditions [=, >=, >, <, <=, ><]
optical glass - search for

This dialog has been imported into WinLens3D/WinLens3DBasic and is available wherever a glass can be chosen - you will see a glass map icon[s] - for example in the Surface data table next to the glass names.  Simply click the icon to change the glass in a specific space.

FindGlass makes an excellent accompaniment to the interactive glass map and other glass selecting tools in WinLens

In short - this is an update that is well worth having, so head over to the download site [] next monday.

prev MachVis 3.5 - whats new .. next.. Refreshed manuals

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