by GeoffA | categories WinLens3D WinLens3DBasic PreDesigner Gaussian Beam | all news items

As expected, there was much interest in the new or enhanced Gaussian Beam tools in PreDesigner and WinLens3D at the Laser show in Munich last month.  We have followed this up by releasing updates with new features in those programs.

PreDesigner 1.25.1: now has the option to set a fixed detector distance from the lens.  For some users the beam diameter on such a detector is more important than the output side beam waist.  The beam is now drawn to the detector [if it is beyond the waist]

WinLens3D v1.2.2: the sensitivities table now has an option to display the standard sensitivities or Gaussian beam values.

One further change - in WinLens3D, Chengdu glasses are now properly referred to as CDGM glasses

PS We very much enjoyed meeting lots of old and new friends at the show!

prev Gaussian Beams and the Laser Show .. next.. PreDesigner [new Gaussian beam mode] in German

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