by GeoffA | categories WinLens3D WinLens3DBasic PreDesigner Qioptiq Gaussian Beam | all news items
As always, Qioptiq Photonics will be attending the Munich Laser Show in May 2011.
We will be giving away CD’s with the latest version of
PreDesigner & WinLens3D, and lots of other good stuff. So do drop by and have a chat!
These updates include some very nice features specifically for laser engineers - namely Gaussian beams calculations
PreDesigner v24 [free], now has a Gaussian beam mode - offering the appropriate key parameters and showing the resultant Gaussian beam profile and other useful values, including Beam Propagation Factor, depth of focus and a range of suitable Qioptiq components.
There is a new video clip about the gaussian beam mode on the site.
WinLens3D / WinLens3D Basic [free] had a simple Gaussian beam analysis. The software now has:
- optional rectangular beam profile with different divergences, dia etc
- optional Beam Propagation factor M^2
- optional fixed distance detector plane for beam diameters not at beam waist
- enhanced Gaussian beam table
- new Gaussian beam plot showing beam profile with many display options
We will be adding further Gaussian beam analysis tools during the coming year.
prev MachVis ToGo .. next.. Gaussian Beams: extra tools