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Twitter - LensDesignApps May 11, 2012
We have set up a twitter account #LensDesignApps. For those who use twitter, and choose to follow #LensDesignApps will get information about new apps, updates of existing programs, teaching courses and other relevant information.
Welcome to May 29, 2009
What is the purpose of this particular website - why would you wish to visit it more than once?
Well, in short, we want to help users of the LINOS Photonics lens design programs - primarily by hosting a series of video clips [screen casts] relating to PreDesigner, WinLens3D, MachVis etc.
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Most recent:
- MachVis 5.3 Upcoming!
- ECO & moldable glasses: general update
- MachVis 5.0 launched
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v8
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v7
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v6
- MachVis 4.0 launched
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v5
- Updates to Android App
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] App for Android
- Twitter - LensDesignApps
- WinLens3D, PreDesigner & Optatec
- MachVis 3.8
- PreDesigner [new Gaussian beam mode] in German
- Gaussian Beams: extra tools
Most viewed:
- On bugs - [7902]
- Gaussian Beams and the Laser Show - [6850]
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] App for Android - [5094]
- William Herschel - telescopes in Bath & Space - [4640]
- ECO & moldable glasses: general update - [4169]
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v8 - [4034]
- MachVis 3.5 - whats new - [3810]
- WinLens3D and WinLens3D Basic - [3723]
- Updates to Android App - [3693]
- MachVis 3.0 released - [3660]
- Twitter - LensDesignApps - [3637]
- WinLens3D, PreDesigner & Optatec - [3576]
- MachVis 3.8 - [3473]
- Possibly the best lens calculator… - [3471]
- MachVis 3.5 is coming! - [3366]