Possibly the best lens calculator… July 02, 2009
We were really pleased to see this review of MachVis by Brian Grey earlier this week in the ‘Machine Vision 4 Users’ blog..
Other ways to select an article
Most recent:
- MachVis 5.3 Upcoming!
- ECO & moldable glasses: general update
- MachVis 5.0 launched
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v8
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v7
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v6
- MachVis 4.0 launched
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v5
- Updates to Android App
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] App for Android
- Twitter - LensDesignApps
- WinLens3D, PreDesigner & Optatec
- MachVis 3.8
- PreDesigner [new Gaussian beam mode] in German
- Gaussian Beams: extra tools
Most viewed:
- On bugs - [7824]
- Gaussian Beams and the Laser Show - [6790]
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] App for Android - [5041]
- William Herschel - telescopes in Bath & Space - [4602]
- ECO & moldable glasses: general update - [4093]
- PreDesigner [Lens Calculator] for Android v8 - [3979]
- MachVis 3.5 - whats new - [3773]
- WinLens3D and WinLens3D Basic - [3680]
- Updates to Android App - [3643]
- MachVis 3.0 released - [3611]
- Twitter - LensDesignApps - [3588]
- WinLens3D, PreDesigner & Optatec - [3524]
- Possibly the best lens calculator… - [3439]
- MachVis 3.8 - [3419]
- MachVis 3.5 is coming! - [3318]