Clip 1: Glass Manager: an introduction...

In this clip we introduce Glass Manager - an optical materials database program - and show how it goes far beyond the paper catalogs from the manufacturers.  We cover tables and graphs for current glasses, and the plots showing data for a selection of glasses.  We show how simple it is to colour code these plots with a wide range of properties and how to change the waveband.  The search tool is displayed and some other features mentioned in passing.

Clip 2: Material Editor: an introduction...

Material Editor is a utility program.  It exists to manage custom materials for WinLens3D and Glass Manager.
With MatEd you can:

  • Create a new glass using index/wavelength data
  • Create a new glass using index coefficients
  • Import a glass[s] from another WinLens user or Zemax/Oslo glass files
  • Create a melt glass derivative of a standard glass

There are many helps available in this process, including lists of key wavelengths to high precision