OpticalSoftware.net: ‘how-to’ videos for the Qioptiq [LINOS Photonics] lens design programs. The short clips show overviews of each program plus more detailed ‘secrets’.
You will find clips about PreDesigner, WinLens3D, WinLens3DBasic, Tolerancer, Glass Manager, Material Editor and MachVis, plus news & comments, reviews of optical design books, articles, upcoming events and more. Now includes Lens Calculator app for Android [Google Playstore].
PreDesigner [Free]

Simple optical layout program [lens calculator] - to assess & illustrate the key paraxial or Gaussian beam parameters.
WinLens3D [in WinLens suite]

Full optical design program with optimisation. Handles tilts and decenters on surfaces, elements, modules and groups.
WinLens3D Basic [Free]

Free version of the WinLens3D optical design package, which provides serious design and analysis tools for optical engineer, student or designer.
Tolerancer [in WinLens suite]

Tool for optical engineers - tolerance analysis: sensitivity calculations, tolerance editors, Monte Carlo simulations & ISO 10110 drawings for production.
Glass Manager [in WinLens suite]

Sophisticated glass database program with numerous plots, graphs & tables, comprehensive search & sort facilities, obsolete glass lists and doublet creator.
Material Editor [in WinLens suite]

A simple utility that is designed to create, edit and manage custom materials for the WinLens3D, Tolerancer and Glass Manager programs.
MachVis [free]

Lens calculator to choose the optimum Qioptiq [LINOS Photonics] Machine Vision lens - a Rodagon, Rogonar, MeVis-C, Inspec.x lens or mag.x systems, plus accessories - for your machine vision task.
Lens Calculator [Free]

Simple lens equation app for Android [phone or tablet] - touch editable ray diagram & nomogram. User selectable parameters. Lens or Mirror mode. Paraxial or Construction rays. Advanced options.